Dr. Gabriel Hughes is a risk manager entomologist with USDA-APHIS Plant Protection (PPQ) and Quarantine, where he develops import requirements for fruits and vegetables to ensure they are free from pests. These requirements range from insect trapping and orchard sanitation to phytosanitary treatments such as irradiation and serve to reduce the risk of insects on agricultural commodities in trade. Gabriel is a graduate of Brigham Young University and went on to pursue a masters and doctoral degree in entomology at Purdue University. His expertise in insect pheromones led him to the University of California Riverside where he engaged in postdoctoral studies on moth pheromones to improve trapping and monitoring efforts. Gabriel joined PPQ in his current role as risk manager in 2019.
Gabriel lives in Maryland with his wife, Beth, and their four children. He enjoys painting miniatures, playing games with friends and family, and is always excited to hear the first cicada call each summer.